Md. Shahrear Iqbal

CSE 105 : Structured Programming Language


Main Text : The C programming Language, Kernighan, Ritchie. Second Edition

Other References:

Programming in ANSI C – Balagurusamy
C – How to Program (4th Edition) – Deitel & Deitel
Schaum's Outlines: Programming with C (2nd Edition) – Byron Gottfried
Teach Yourself C (3rd Edition) – Herbert Schildt
Let us C by Y. Kanetkar


Lectures :

1. Introduction


Class Test and Assignment Marks :



Assignments :

Assignment 1 on C : Due 26/09/2011

Download : Assignment 1

Offline 1 for Section A1 (CSE 106) : Due 10/10/2011

Download : Offline 1 for A1

Offline 2 for Section A1 (CSE 106) : Due 14/11/2011

Download : Offline 2 for A1

Assignment 2 on C for Section A: Due 12/11/2011

Download : Assignment 2

Instructions: Please print your code with a set of inputs and outputs.

Assignment 3 on C for Section A: Due 21/12/2011

Download : Assignment 3

Instructions: Please print your code with a set of inputs and outputs screenshot.

Links :

1. CSE 106 : Sessional Website

2. CSE 106 Sessional Guideline

3. C Operators and their precedence