Md. Shahrear Iqbal

Research Interests

My research interests mainly lies in the field of

  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Security
  • Data Mining
  • Combinatorial Optimization

I have research experience on Software Engineering, Nature Inspired Multi-Agent Co-operative Systems, Combinatorial Optimization and Software Quality Assurance.

Presently, I am highly interested to work on various aspects of Software Engineering, Social Networks, Data Mining, Cyber Security and related topics.



Peer Reviewed Conference

  1. Shahrear Iqbal, Faizul Bari, and M Sohel Rahman, "Solving the Multi-dimensional Multi-choice Knapsack Problem with the Help of Ants." Seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2010), September 8-10 2010, Brussels, Belgium. (LNCS Series, Springer)[ Download pdf ]
  2. Shahrear Iqbal, Faizul Bari, and M Sohel Rahman, "A novel ACO technique for Fast and Near Optimal Solutions for the Multi-dimensional Multi-choice Knapsack Problem." Proceedings of the 13th ICCIT, Bangladesh, December 2010 [ Download pdf ]