Md. Shahrear Iqbal

About Me

shah I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Presently I am working on ''Nature Inspired Multi-Agent Co-Operative Systems'' and "Nature-inspired approaches to Software Engineering", with Dr. M. Sohel Rahman.

I received my M.Sc Engineering degree in Computer Sciecne and Engineering from BUET on February 2011. My research focuses on ''Nature Inspired Meta-Heuristic approaches to solve various Knapsack problems'' and "Combinatorial Optimization". My advisor was Dr. M. Sohel Rahman.

I am teaching IPE 441 : Information Technology, CSE 101 : Introduction to Computers I, CSE 110: Computer Programming Sessional and CSE 100: Introduction to Computer Systems in the ongoing May 2012 undergraduate term.

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